there will be teeth in the grass
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Sorry this is late, I've just gotten back to school from summer - traveling and the like, been uberbusy :S
504 words

Silly creature. There were many ways to spy - one of them she had done herself. Traveling close-ish to the lands where your enemy resided, check out the terrain, find holes in their surroundings that could be used to your own advantage. Knowing who you were fighting was a good help in any fight, but knowing the best place to let the fight take place could determine who was the loser. There was no real need to get dangerously close to their packlands to find out where the terrain was weak. Still, he would have to get closer to get any real info, but who said he hadn't been moving in that direction when she encountered him? All coyotes were the same. Tainted, wronged. The pups would be innocents, but only for so long. Living with the grown ones would destroy their young minds too. There was only one way around the problem really; destroy the grown, rescue the young. This one was not young, and a liar at that - it would barely be a waste.

The femme maintained her tauting smile as she watched him, slowly moving her body around and around his form. "I told you not to get smart with me, didn't I?". Her lips curled into a snarl, far from soundless. There was no mistake here; she would harm him. Unless, of course, he decided to leave. She wasn't so petty that she would strike a person who had not been proven guilty, although she wished he'd just admit his allegiance. It would make her day to rip his body apart. So inferni did not know him, did they? She was mistaking him for someone else, was she.. She could admit she hadn't seen anyone dressed like him among their numbers - she would have remembered if she had - and he did not in particular smell of the coyote pack. "You're a coyote, how could I mistake your allegiance... You're all the same" But she had a hard time differing coyote smell from inferni smell - it was where they all ended up anyways. Sooner or later this one would find them - and join them too. And Dahlia was in a pickle enough as it was, they couldn't afford more soldiers against them. So perhaps she should just kill this one off anyways... Despite him claiming that he doesn't know of inferni. The thought made her smile again, this time in anticipation. It lit up her eyes and her tongue came out to wipe her lips. The three-year-old femme wasn't aware of what she was doing, her thoughts were elsewhere.

"One coyote less in this world wouldn't harm anyways, now would it?" Her hind legs tensed as she got ready to jump, but she'd give this one another chance in the dialogue before she killed him. It was cruel, to play with him like this. Then again, life had been nothing but cruel to Mew, so why should she care? It was time she shared the goods.


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