under cover
OOC: Sonia, I hope the powerplay is alright? I was dead set on attacking Ahemait before Tammi set her beast on me. XDDDD If you want it changed love, just let me know! And Tammi...what is it with our characters fighting at their first encounters? *snickers* And AGAIN it looks like you're giving my girl permanent facial scars. WTF MATE? >=D

It was chaos. The entire scene erupted in short order as one after the other the Inferni clan came speeding toward them. It wasn't the entirety of the group, Kol noted, but it was enough that each Dahlian had someone to occupy them. Each Dahlian, that was, except for Kol herself. Scanning each of the canids as they raced toward the fray, the Stormbringer locked her sights on a shifted female headed straight for Lexey. Kol's friend was more than likely the most vulnerable of the entire assembly, and the black female let out a battlecry as she plowed toward the attacking bitch, aiming to cut her off from the grey girl and refocus her attention on someone more her size. Her muscled body slammed full force into the coyote femme, and she slashed her claws out as she tumbled to the ground, regaining her feet quickly as she flashed her fangs toward her opponent.

Fate, however, had other plans. As she readied her next move, a flicker of movement caught the corner of her left eye, and Kol had only enough time to brace herself as a scruffy male collided with her. She snarled loudly as his fangs sank into the thick skin of her neck, his claws raking down her back and the left side of her face, missing gouging out her eye by a hairsbreadth as one claw split her eyelid as she shut it tight. Blood coated her enemy's claws as she twisted sideways, fangs snapping viciously as she went for any part of the canine she could reach. Her left claws came around the front of her to try and grab the male in an attempt to fling him off her, and she forced herself not to worry about Alexey as she fought her own battle, her hackles prickling as she focused on the fight, her mind empty of all but bloodlust and heat.

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