Clover and Dock

One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text:

Word Count: 352

The entire chase, Alastar fought the urge to giggle madly at Athena's first rabbit hunt. She was, however, quite astonished that the brown puppy could keep up with the swift rabbit. Often, Alastar had to sneak, and sprint quickly; if ten seconds of chase ensued, the larger canine could no longer keep pace with the fuzzy, elusive creature. Nonetheless, the wolf-dog gave Athena a congratulatory lick. Toldja ya could do it! Now taste 'em! Is- But before she could finish, Alastar stopped herself. Wait! Ima be back!

The white and black pup darted into the underbrush for a brief moment, snorting and snuffling at the plants. The familiar spice tinged her wet nose, and she grinned as she plucked the bittercress from its roots. Trotting back to Athena, Alastar tossed the plant on the carcass. Toldja it'd be good too! Now go 'head an' take a bite! The wolf-dog grinned and lay down, absentmindedly chewing on the rabbit's front paw, seasoned with a bit of the spice. Her back paw felt sore after the run, but there was no tear in the scab or bleeding like there had been earlier in the morning. It eased Alastar. Maybe the injury would not be so bad after all.

After she gulped down a large piece of meat, Alastar spoke. Ya did good, bud! An' thanks fer sharin'!... It was then that Alastar realized, Athena had shared not one, but two meals with Alastar, and Athena had caught them both. Automatically, instinctively, and without much warning, her ears fell and her tail ceased wagging. She was disappointed in herself, but it just made her all the more deteremined. There would be a catch of a fish sometime soon in the little hybrid's future. The thought made Alastar's tail thump the ground eagerly again. Anyways. Yous a good friend. How long can we play taday? she asked, head tilted in curiosity. It was still early in the day. In fact, some blades of grass near Alastar's muzzle were still coated in a fine dew. She licked the grass and giggled at the taste of the water.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


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