Its been a while
WC::300+ OOC:Big Grinon't mind angry pants over here. He's a little bit touchy xD


The Marbas didn’t wait long for the answer to his question. Mido’s eyes went wide with strong realization as the unidentified stranger explained his current situation to him. This is Rain… Sammie’s ex? His heart picked up the pace on him against his better wishes, his mind filled with unsettling anger. The visitor asked if the ivory colored woman had been alright. He left her alone, with their children, all by herself to take care of and… The hybrid recalled the day Sam visited before coming home she was in rough shape then. When she actually returned, she looked defeated, weak and broken from the events concerning her and this man. She hadn’t eaten she was practically skin and bone upon being welcomed back into Anathema. …You’ve caused her so much trouble! Mido couldn’t answer his question right away, for he would be so mad that he would chew him up and spit him out. You said this used to be your home, where do you live now?

The man stated his name, and told the warrior his sob story in a beaten behavior. Mido knew who he was before hearing the words leave his mouth. Apologizing he turned and began to leave Anathema. The mix began to walk after him, to an onlooker it might have seemed like he was going to get physical with the man, but he only intended to give him a piece of his mind. Rain! He called after him in hopes of getting his attention. You want to know about Sam? I’ll tell you if you like. His tone was firmer than when he first greeted him. She’s doing just fine, she’s with canines who care and can be there. The male explained. You know what Rain, you’ve done quite a bit of damage and caused her a lot of trouble to be bluntly honest.


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