Time to Snooze

PGP + 3


The tired male was quite comfortable where he sat. The soothing sounds of morning played beautifully in the background. Birds sang sweet songs and the nearby river trickled quietly with an irresistible melody. All of it and the light sleep settling on Jaden were enough to block out the female hybrid’s muted steps. He was falling deeper into it even as she squatted right in front of him. His legs had folded too so she was able to get close without standing over or touching them. What finally gave away the woman’s presence was her scent. As she fell into the lower stance it filled the air around her and in front of Jaden with a feminine smell. Deep blue eyes opened suddenly but the dark body was otherwise completely still.

His muzzle drew in a deep breath of her as he also tried to take in all he saw and what was going on in just a few seconds. The position this stranger took gave him a wonderful view of her body. In his just awakened state he didn’t have the sense to be polite. His gaze played from the warm hazel eyes down her white underside and back. She was attractive in the right areas. And she was still sort of pretty for a coyote hybrid. What last got him were the interesting fur pattern strewn about her and charm on her voice. This was an attractive woman practically sitting on him. She was also brave too. What if he were a more aggressive male? It would have been easy enough to snap at her from this close.

He might have thought her a figment of his sleeping mind had it not been for the strange chocolate spattered coat. Motion finally found his body after he scanned hers and a few bewildered blinks. He rubbed the sleep from one of his eyes and sat up a bit straighter. Then he looked good-naturedly into the hazel, Good morning... Is there something I can do for you, stranger?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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