Pass the Time
Nothing like childlike innocence. :: 400

This was arguably one of Heiro’s favorite places, snuggled up next to a loved one. A sleepy smile formed on his little black lips as he felt his father’s loving caress against his body. He still had the fuzzy duckling look to his coat, another month would bring in the silken strands of his adult coat, but for now, Heiro truly resembled one of the furry caterpillars of fall. Smalls whines of happiness emanated from his ball like form as he wiggled even closer against his father’s side. Being pet and scratched in all his favorite spots was quickly sending the child into naptime mode, but his ears remained perked forward as he listened for his father’s answers to his pressing questions. He had to know more about these things called spirits and he desperately wanted to find out why Ro claimed he didn’t have one.

His little sky blue eyes widened with surprise. Wot’s inf-nit? He asked cautiously. Something that couldn’t be measured boggled Hei’s growing mind. Surely this inf-nit business was important, or at least it sounded that way. He thought hard about what his father said. And closed his eyes tight. I tink I ken feel yore sprit Dad, he said as his eyes reopened. He knew how much Niro loved him and in a sense could feel that when he was around him, but the thought was still quite foreign to him. Ay’m glad ya ken feel my sprit... he mused, wondering if the rest of his family could feel his too.

After thinking for a bit, the little prince spoke up again. Wat if ay’m too far away to feel it? Concern now washed over his face. It was a true fear he felt. If Niro or Amaranth or even Tasha was too far away, how could they feel each other’s spirits? Ken a sprit get stuck? He asked, the worry now apparent on his face. Wat about da ded? He asked almost in a whisper. These were all very important questions he needed answers to.

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