WC: 637 365
OOC: Yay for posting?

It wasn't quite as dark in the craft room with the torches lit, and she was grateful to Scorpius for that. Sifting through her bag of magical junk, she found some wooden beads she'd carved and string she'd made from palm fronds. She began to thread the beads through the string until she had half of them on, and then decided she'd need something special to add to the necklace she was making. Loosely tying the ends, she shoved everything into her Narnia-Nap-Sack and got up, slinging it over her shoulder and then padding out into the endless halls, heading outside to look for more materials, possibly dye and more wood to carve.

She sauntered through the woods, collecting bright red and dark blue berries in the palms of her hands, not going to chance it by putting them in her bag where they might be crushed. Shifting the berries into one cupped paw, she grabbed a fallen branch and turned tail, loping back to the craft room, eager to start her newest project.

She sat down with a bowl and small wooden mallet and began to grind the berries in the bowl, creating a red dye first, then she made purple by mixing the berries, and finally blue. She smeared the dye on the little circular chunks of woods that were already on the necklace in a blue-purple-blue-purple order. Then, paws still stained dark by the juice, she unsheathed her pocket knife and began to whittle the branch into the shape of a heart. She further shaped it by carving a smaller heart into it with feminine swirls. More or less satisfied, she dunked it in the remains of the red dye, making sure to cover it completely before sliding it onto the string, and then finishing by adding the rest of the beads and tying it at the end. She left it on the table to dry, gathered her things and cleaned up a bit, and then returned to her den for a nap, since she'd stayed up half the night carving the beads.

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