Making up
Word Count :: 230 OOC: wavey *snicker*

He wondered what was going on in her head as they stood ankle deep in sand. His own mind whirling about, happy, content to have her in his arms and excited for he hoped to have many adventures with Drin for the years to come. This in itself was an adventure, what he hoped would come to fruit in which she had asked for many times and he denied, if she denied him though, he would not blame her. Their kiss was sweet and lingering and when she explained she hadn’t it seemed she was quite ready to, she started to tug on him but he polled a little, “Just remember, the pull on the ocean is much stronger than that of the lake.” Then followed her in.

He tok the first dive letting the salt water engluf him. He didn’t forget the sensation it cave him, his eyes already shut tight to the water, his nose blowing out as he resurfaced, feeling the wave push at him, and nearly dragged him under again, but he was strong and held tight and looked around for his mate, grinning, and knowing this time her ribs wouldn’t be a problem. He put his back against the waves and felt the hard slaps of it on the back of his head as though it was giving him a massage.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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