postcards from italy
*has absolutely no attention span today*
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“Yeah, I'm okay,” at least for now. He didn't know whether or not he'd get mauled by whatever was going around or not, but only time would tell. Same for Nikita, he imagined, though he still wanted to believe that she had just some simple cold as opposed to what everyone else was going through. “I don't know what kind of sick it is either, I've got the three that are sick shut up in a shack right now. They're pretty much out of it and I know Jasper's gone and had some sort of seizure a couple of times.” As for the others, he didn't know and in a sense, didn't want to know. “Laruku's kid and Laurent have been keeping an eye on them the most and so far I don't think they've gotten sick either,” at least if they were, they didn't act like it when he saw them.


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