
"WC: 727"

So much time had passed since he last seen Amy, the last time he saw her when it was a pleasant meeting was when she was wounded and he had helped her and they had shared a moment. She had shown she cared for him in some way even thought it was small and he did for her as well. Since then he had been marked and then when he saw her she thought him a slave. Now he wasn't for he had been left and he had lost a family that he had wanted and needed more than anything. He was now part of a pack that wanted Amy dead and he couldn't tell them anything. He was a slave still but not to any one person, but to an entire pack of those that were his friends, brothers and sisters.

This wasn't good...Like clock work there she was, he knew of where she was going and like he thought would happen she still followed a route and changed it to take in the fact that she was unwelcome with a number of different packs. Shadow had masked his scent and then when Amy was on the opposite side he spoke and made it clear who he was." Long time no see Amy...." Shadow removed his hood and slowly walked from behind the large tree trunk that was perfect for hiding his huge shape and he nodded lightly with a cold, almost dead look in his eyes. The cuddly teddy bear had been wounded and his heart was now cracked and torn, he still could care for others but as of that moment, it was unclear if he would so quickly jump to ones aid like he use to.

He looked her up and down and his ears twitched as he looked over her shoulder to the coming wagon and other wolves. He didn't care...He had heard about everything, the kid napping and the attacks and everything and still after all of that here he was giving info to the very woman who if his pack were to find out he was helping, would surely either demote him for all time or possibly attack and maybe even kill for his betrayal. He shook his head and huffed lightly. "You have no idea of what has even been going on do you, what's after you and to what extent..." As shadow looked to her it was plain to see that she had fallen, even with her tail moving due to her mission on seeing one of her own family it was clear by what he had heard and by the look in her eyes that she had fallen beyond all hope, and what's more, shadow blamed himself for it. Not any of it was his fault but he still blamed himself for it, that was just his mind set after everything that had happened to him.

Shadow spoke before she had time to talk, cutting her off because he knew that only arrogance and self assurance would come for her at least that is what was normal for her. He continued on and crossed his arms lightly as he looked to her with as much seriousness as he could muster."Amy the entire pack of New Dawn is out for your blood....Zalen himself has gone to your old pack looking for you and demanding a reason for you not being taken care of by them and now he hunts you. He knows of your routes and if he doesn't see you on them then he will actually take a few others with himself to hunt you down on foot. You have crossed the lines and he will not stop until you are dead and until he takes back the ones you have taken and ended whatever lives of those who you have corrupted. This land is not safe for you and yours any more, for they will find and kill you. The entire pack is on high alert and it's basically a kill on sight type of situation."

Shadow had said what he needed to, now all that was to happen would be to hear Amy speak her mind and what followed would follow but Shadow had a pretty good idea what to expect of the proud, arrogance of Amy and her mind set.


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