

She knew he was there. Amy didn't react to his presence, ignoring the slave. She wasn't going to address him, wasn't going to give him the pleasure of pretending that he was her equal. It wasn't true, and it angered her that he once had been. It dirtied her to have that connection. His voice was cold, her ears twitching slightly but her pace didn't slow. She was going to see Bridget, and that was the end of it. If he tried to stop her, she wouldn't hesitate to strike.

His next words did slow him down. Amy stared curiously at him. What? What was he talking about? Amy knew things. She always knew things. What could possibly be going onn that she didn't know about? That she needed to know about? His expression was serious, distant from everything. He had changed again since she'd seen him. Different from a willing slave, this was someone who was broken. Whoever had done it had broken him wrong though, different from how she had broken Hadley and Raoth.

A smile lit her features as he spoke. So New Dawn was going to try and kill her? They would hunt her down? She would like to see them try. Amy had met those members, and fought with them. She had tasted their blood, and knew they were weak. They couldn't kill her. The threat to Kohaku did get a reaction from her though. Hackles raised, stiffening. They won't kill Kohaku. I won't let them. They won't get near him. Her hand went to her swollen belly, thinking of the pups inside. She might not like their father, but they were Sunders, and they were hers.

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