she's waiting like an iceberg


What started out as a lazy grey day had ended up being quite eventful. As he left the Courthouse he flinched walking down the stairs. After the cougar attack he had insisted that Aly come with him to get medical help from Hadley. Now he found himself in very familiar situation, white bandages wrapped around his chest soaking in the medicated and washed cuts across his back and leaving him stiff and sore. It frustrated him when he got injured and had to be more careful but his current injuries were certainly not the worst he had experienced, which was obvious from the large claw mark scar that traveled from the top of his right shoulder down to his left hip.

Injuries were nothing new but a call from the boarders startled him. Why would Skye be calling for him? With returning howl and a reluctant sign he started to jog, his body aching in disagreement as he went. The two leader’s friendship had just started to blossom. The trade trip had set them on the right path, their packs services making for an easy blend and alliance. At the ball they had presented each other with gifts and even danced. But it was their last encounter that rang strong in Jazper’s mind. He wasn’t sure if he regretted it. They were both lonely wolves who wanted comfort and to feel the touch of someone who cared. It had been good for both of them but he wasn’t sure how it would affect their relationship.

It took him some time to reach her as his body was freshly wounded and ached but at last he arrived with as much of a smile as he could gather. “Sorry I took so long. Had to throw myself between a member and a cougar this morning.” He chuckled to make light of the situation. Putting himself between someone and danger was somewhat of a lifestyle for Jazper and he knew he would do it again, though he wished he didn’t have to go through the pain afterwards. The few extra pounds didn’t go unnoticed by the Knight but he didn’t comment on it, knowing damn well not to comment on a women’s size, but in his mind he wondered if Skye’s loneliness had led to over eating.


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