
WC: 506

Shadow looked to her and he dismissed it all as he looked to her and he looked to her belly and then he looked to the ones following. She was a fool for thinking her self so high that nothing could touch her."You haven't changed a bit, in fact i could say your ego has only swollen since last I saw you. No matter how good you are, you will be up against a whole group of trained fighters and Zalen himself...and look at you, you are not in top shape to fight such a battle and you have plenty more at risk now than you did when it was only you and your wagon. Now you have lives attached and just by your reaction to this slaves words...You have stopped and heard me out...You are not so secretive as you would like to be Amy. The pack will come and they will take what you have stolen and they will end your life, I am merely here to deliver that message since for some reason in the past I had helped you and was for a brief time a person that could have been called a friend....Good luck to you, Amy Sunders... "

Shadow had never called her by her last name because he knew of the family she was part of and he knew of there evil but never had she in his eyes at least been worthy of that title of pain and suffering, at one time she was not a sunders, she was Amy and she was his friend but now, she was welcome to that title for she had fallen into the deepest darkness there was. Shadow stood there and watched her face and her reaction to his words and it was very much like a dance and a mystery, for it was unclear what reaction he would get out of her next. Shadow had spoken true like he always did and he used the best and most perfect logic on Amy and he knew she hated it when he was right since she could never be wrong.

Shadow stood there and he slowly let his arms fall to his sides and he was ready, ready for what could very well be an attack and the last time he saw her again, or saw anyone again for that matter. Shadow hated himself and wished he could indeed save everyone but he was not a, he was a killer and murderer and looking forward to the way he had been acting, he was fast approaching the actions of a cold, soulless husk JUST like his father would have wanted. Shadow then slowly turned away from her and started to walk back to his pack...and he would be sure to visit a lake or river on the way to get Amy's scent off of him so that no one would know of his actions, that was of course if Amy was going to let him leave.


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