Thank you, and good bye.
She'd been on the pier staring off into space. Her heart had been broken more than once, but here this moon it seemed that she was to suffer over and over again. Tears had slipped softly down her cheeks as the crash of the waves below her had seemed to shake her to the very soul. One daughter raped by the man who had moved her, one held in the claws of Inferni by the favor Iskata herself had asked of the girl who was barely a woman. A son returned but never to her, everything seemed to just crash against the walls shed' raised and slowly but surely they were crumbling.

She almost hadn't heard the steps of the male behind her in the wake of her sorrow. The soft padding behind her caused her to raise her head up from her knees as she dashed away the proof of her pain in a hurry. She was their matriach, she was suppose to be strong, she was part of their foundation, she wasn't suppose to be found weeping for things out of her control.

Turning slowly she caught sight of Asmodai and tried to smile as she rose up to her feet. "Asmodai, I didn't hear you coming.." she said with false cheer in her voice as she leaned against the rough post of the pier. He'd returned to them after the pack's meeting, but atleast he had returned. She'd been glad to see him then and she was glad to see him now, atleast there was a friendly face to meet her this day.

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