Lonely Road
I am very sorry for the wait dear. Bf surprised me with a road-trip and I didn't have wifi until we got back.
WC: 405

Other members of his family pack found it quite odd that he was so respectful and formal. It simply wasn’t heard of. The males in the pack were supposed to be ruthless, savage, killing machines not a helping hand. Torok was pleased to meet someone who shared the same qualities as him, wanting to learn more about the man before him. The soft snort threw him off though, making him wonder if he had done something wrong. Is everything alright Sir?

His head cocked to the side slightly as he listened to Saul, nodding his head as he mentioned his business in the town. Apparently there were plenty of items his pack took from this place. He didn’t know what they would need, having very little possessions himself. If there is anything in particular your pack needs, perhaps I could help? I may not be able to see but if I know what I’m looking for, Fraya and I can usually find what we need. It probably seemed like a silly offer to the Alpha before him, a blind man offering assistance at finding items. He would help nonetheless if Saul required anything.

With Saul’s chuckle, it was clear that he hadn’t expected Torok to be able to perceive so much about him even though he was blind. It was common for Torok though. Many figured since he was blind, that Torok was an idiot as well and incapable of having a stimulating conversation. That didn’t seem to be the case with Saul though, he was kind and didn’t treat Torok like a cripple. Hearing the name of the pack, Torok stored the name Vinatta away with Saul Stormbringer along with his scent and the scent of his bird, Eirias. He wasn’t sure where this lake or the salmon place was but he was sure he would find Saul’s pack if he tried. At the moment, I am simply traveling and hoping to find my mother. I wasn’t able to find her scent again once we were separated but I’m sure I’ll find her again eventually. Perhaps one day I will join a pack though. I do know one of my relatives lives in a pack somewhere around here, mother always talked about joining her pack but she was the one who knew where it was. Please do not take offense to that Saul Stormbringer. I am just unsure of my path at the moment.

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