Step forwards
Her eyes widened, realizing how dangerous her strikes had actually been. Adelle had never really thought about how much power she was putting behind it. Told that doing so put her at a disadvantage definitely brought things into perspective. She nodded her head, thinking about how she was going to avoid being thrown with her punches. She wasn't going to let herself be used against her, as funny as that thought was. Adelle's tail wagged as Neela continued to speak, going more in depth with what she was to do.

Watching Neela's strikes Adelle stood beside her. Her blows altered, doing her best to mimic the quick light snap. It wasn't nearly as good, with months of habit to kick for this. It was an improvement over before though. Adelle jerked her head back as the teeth were pushed against her soft lip, fangs bared slightly at the discomfort. She didn't like that at all. Stepping back she nodded. A good place to punch then. Hitting most things hurt for Adelle, considering how she'd never had anything soft to practice against, so the pain of punching someone in the muzzle didn't faze her.

Adelle laughed at Neela's caution, nodding her head. She couldn't actually kill someone doing that. She took the advice to not practice with it anyways, filing away for future reference. The body sure sounded vulnerable as Neela spoke, exposing so much points to attack at. Again, Adelle followed along the demonstration. It hurt the first time, throwing out a little too far, but Neela's guidance was good. Invited to a game her tail picked up, smiling broadly. It sounded fun! Balanced out Adelle watched Neela's face. Swiftly she punched out and pulled back, trying not to get caught.

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