We must go on now
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Originally Phoenix had pitied Deirdre because neither of her parents had taken any interest in her. Deuce wasn’t a very good mother, true, but at least for all her ineptitude she was still trying. The same couldn’t be said for Deirdre’s deadbeat dad, who’d run off soon after her birth. Phoenix despised wolves like that, wolves who took for granted the very thing had had grown up without and pined for his entire life. The massive male hadn’t even realized that he had become Deirdre’s father, replacing Thanos, until she was already an adult. But by now she was truly a member of the family Phoenix was building… the oldest of his children, and hopefully the first of many to come.

Phoenix was not trying to be maliciously deceptive. He was merely trying to act how a good alpha should act: stoic, unshakeable, yet bold. The only thing was trying to cover up was his own self-doubt. He didn’t exactly know what was expected of him from the other alphas—obviously they had to know each other, but was there anything else? He felt as if he was back to his first days living back amongst his own kind, only this time the stakes were higher. He didn’t know how to act or what was expected of him, yet admitting his inexperience and showing vulnerability was inconceivable. Better to pretend he knew what he was doing and learn as he went.

He was surprised to hear this wolf call Mordulin mother. She seemed to lack the warmth he’d sensed from the elder alphess the night they’d first met, but then he didn’t know Fatin. He’d heard enough contradictory information about her to be unable to form a solid opinion yet. Strange that a wolfess could harbor a rapist in her pack such as Lucifer and trust him around her children, yet hold such malice towards another wolf he had accidentally hurt adolescents that had attacked him while trying to protect another wolf. Skoll was not a monster. The real villains were the ones who would attack a pack for no reason and drive them from their home. “I… well… I jus’ wanted t’meet you, I suppose,” he answered, caught off-guard from her abruptness. Perhaps in the future it would be wiser to employ Deirdre as a messenger to this pack. She was probably more welcome here than he. “If Storm an’ Jaded Shadows ever have any dealings, it would make more sense for its leaders to be familiar with each other b’forehand.” Oh, how he hated his job.

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