Lonely Road
Sure, We can wrap it up with your post or my next one if you want.

The chuckle brought his ears forward again as Saul explained the chuckle. It seemed his mind had wandered a bit, bringing forth a few humorous thoughts. Saul also stated that he wasn’t looking for anything in particular at the moment. Perhaps if Torok found anything useful, Torok could bring it to the Alpha at some point. I understand Sir. Perhaps he was a little too formal, calling him Sir, or by his full name, but It was just how Torok was.

He probably seemed like a child, explaining that he was looking for his mother. He was still a yearling but could manage fine without his mother, but since she had been sick when they were separated, it was her he worried about.

Torok nodded as Saul explained it was beneficial to ask, and was happy the Alpha wasn’t offended. Yes Sir, Fraya and I will let the wind guide us, at least for a while. Hopefully we will find the pack mother talked about soon. I’m not even sure what it’s called. His relative would have been here for a while, perhaps she had met Saul. Then he would be able to point Torok in the right direction. You wouldn’t happen to know Ismeme Theos would you? It’s her we are looking for.

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