Being Presentable [Bonding]
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  • Setting: Early afternoon on a breezy Aug.1st
  • Location: Communal dens with Zeus
  • Form: Optime

  • X'yrin had slept in rather late, greeting the day in the late morning as opposed to the early hours as she was used to. The work on the barn had left her more tired than usually, the strenuous work sapping the strength she managed to harbor day after day. But the work was well worth it and she would not complain regardless how her muscles ached. Eventually she was grow used to it. A new kind of strength would settle and the labors endured would become easier. She had the patience to see this though.

    But in the passing days she found her paws growing stiff from the repetitive work. Dexterity was not called for to lift beams or mix the slurry of dirt and rock, just a steady hand and consistent grip. She woke with a desire to retain her dexterity in each digit as she had before and collected her items and moved to the communal dens. Little Zeus followed behind her, waddling to the sound of her footfalls on the ground. They settled just near the mouth of the den to feel the gentle breeze filtering through now and again. Her charge had laid beside her as she laid out her materials to work, occasionally sniffing the air when a new sound met his ears. But eventually he drifted off for a nap with his head resting on the woman's leg.

    A wad of wool in hand, the she-wolf began examining the clump, gently pulling the grown fibers to test their strength as well as twisting them together between the tips of her pads. It was a strange kind of hair, this wool, but there was little doubt something could be made from it. As she continued to work the strands, her ears perked at the approach of her family member, and smiled as the uniquely hued male walked into the storage room, a chain of fish in his grasp. She did not look up from her work, rather let her friend go about his business should there be something important he sought to take care of. But there was a pause in the swift stride then again her ears danced toward in response to his movement. As he came to sit in front of her, she smiled again this time lifting her gaze in proper greeting. The closeness stirred her little companion awake and for a moment he was fearful when taken by unfamiliar hands, but with a gentle soft from his caretaker the pup began to calm and relaxed in his pack brother's hold.

    His request brought a mild look of surprise to her muzzle especially when she acknowledged the damp fur and mane and its haphazard strands with a giggle. "Of course," she set her experiment aside and took the comb. X'yrin motioned for him to turn so she could have a look with what she had to deal with. She imagined that the open road did not require a look of grooming as it did to be presentable in a pack, so mats and knots were assumed to inhabit his mane. So as she often did with her own lengthen tresses, she began a section at a time, gathering a good pawful and began working through the tangles of the ends and slowly ascending.

    552 words.

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