Making up
Word Count :: 210 OOC: This post isn't as awesome as the other one i had up lol

He forgot how good it felt to swim in the ocean. He didn’t enjoy the salt part, but just being in the water was a much different experience then a lake or a pond. He held his hands over his face to keep it clear of the saltwater his mate squirted towards him and he couldn’t help but give a heavy laugh at her as he tried to move away. The current was quite strong, so he was slightly slower than usual. He laughed heartily as she spoke her exacerbations, happy she was so excited over the ocean he was about to swim to her when she Yelled and before he said ducks don’t really live in salt water he could see the shadow of the water.

He took a quick breath of air before the water pummeled him toward the shore, but he swam as it pulled him back out, making sure he knew which way was up and that he didn’t get caught by an undertow, an unforeseen danger in the water, that would be bad he thought as he resurfaced letting the salty air into his lungs, he was laughing a little and looking around for Palaydrian to make sure she was ok as well.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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