Tracking you down
Eh, weird post but she found her and is excited that she tracked down Charm even though she has no clue who she is or what she is doing. Lol, hope you don’t mind her touching her nose to Charm’s leg for a second.

Tracking someone down, yes that was something she was going to be good at. Right? She had to be, already she felt left out when her family played games, unsure if she was good at any of the games they played. She was always included but she felt lost. Shaking her head she focused on her mission, she had to find someone, anyone really. It had taken her what seemed like forever to finally find a scent that was fresh enough to follow.

The scent was light, feminine, sweet even. The child’s tail became a blur as it waged from side to side, she had found someone. Well she was going to find someone, the questions was. Who was she, did the child know this mystery wolf or were they just as a stranger as most of the pack? She was going to find out one way or another, slowly she put her nose back to the cool floor and let her nose lead her though the caves. After a few twists and turns light came back to the child, her eyes thankful for the ability to see once more.

Bridget move her nose from the ground and not looked at a woman in her two legged form, again her tail wagged becoming a blur once more as she found her tracking victim. A soft yip of excitement escaped her lips as she moved closer and closer the cat colored woman, her form not moving a muscle as if she was a statue. Without caution of even concern the child pressed her nose to the woman’s leg, as if confirming she was the one she was tracking. She let out a sharp bark, jumping back and bouncing from side to side for a few seconds. Yep she found her, whoever she was.

??? words


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