boats and no's!
WC :: 6+ OOC :: No worries! Haha a battle of the inner demons!

Thrash about you idiot! Don’t let him bring you back to the shore! Ro called angrily from the rocky coast, but Heiro ignored his commands and allowed himself to be taken into his half uncle’s outstretched arms. Tucked safely beneath one of his arms, the soaked child obeyed Skoll’s command without question, allowing his tired body to go limp in his grip so he could easily be carried through the water. His mind kept backpedalling to the face Skoll had made when he first arrived at the sandbar, something about it screamed out danger to him. It must have been part of Ro’s trick, but Heiro couldn’t see through the dark sloshing waters here and was only focused on being the best transport for his uncle.

You’re ruining the plan! Ro whined from the rocks, but chest deep in water, Heiro was completely seized with fear, shivering against the warmth of Skoll’s body as he awkwardly walked through the surf with one arm and most likely an injured leg. He could feel the struggle in the blonde wolf’s body, but he kept his whimpers to a minimum. There was safety with an adult and he was much better off in this man’s arms than on the quickly disappearing sandbar. A scared yip escaped his lips when the Lieutenant slunk forward suddenly in the seawater causing the ocean to lap viciously at his chin. His little rose tongue darted out to smooth down the fur, tasting salt water and brine, but just as suddenly as it had happened, his body was rising above the current seconds later. Skoll wouldn’t allow his head to go under.

Extremely thankful for solid ground, Heiro cowered on the beach once they had reached it and tentatively allowed his tail to wag. He raced forward to shower Skoll with puppy licks, but immediately recoiled, tail now tucked firmly between his legs and ears flattened back as blonde male rolled to his back in agony. Sapphire eyes widened with surprise as they fell upon the angry red blood pulsing from Skoll’s leg. Oh no no no no! Dis isn’t right...stay Sko, Hei be right back! He wouldn’t allow shock to consume him right now, he needed to get help. Scrambling away from his rescuer and up the soggy wooden steps of the dock, he began searching for another adult or at least something to staunch the flow of blood. Discarded sails was what his eyes fell upon first.

Don’t you dare go back there Heiro. Leave him to bleed out...won’t it be fun? Ro had somehow managed to make it back to the docks before he had and his sudden appearance caused Hei to drop the large pieces of cloth from his mouth. Ro, he needs help and he’s mah fam’lee...back off! The scarlet eye’d pup’s eyes widened. Was Heiro really standing up to him? His eyes then narrowed to slits as he rounded on the hybrid who was attempting to pick up the sails once more. You will leave him there you hear me! Come back in an hour with another adult, you can say- Shutup Ro! You knew he’d get hurt, ay’m not gonna be part of dis, step aside! The little Prince roared and when Ro didn’t move, he simply grasped the sails in his teeth and shoved his way forward leaving the shadow wolf behind him as he ran back towards the man in need.

He arrived with the sails, puffing air wildly out the sides of his mouth before he dropped it beside his uncle. We ken tear up dis stop da bleedin’, he explained as he tried stepping on parts of the sail and pulling back with his teeth only to be rewarding with a tearing sound.

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