Walking these stone roads one more time

Sonje was, understandably, a little more than upset with herself for such carelessness on her part. Her tail flicked in an agitated manner, and she peeked around the corner, spying the knife the dark man held taut in his hand. She grimaced as she tucked her muzzle back, remembering she had a distinct disadvantage in this coup, and immediately deciding that she had to manipulate her way forward. Putting her hand against the brick, she pulled herself along the edge, peeking at him again, but more visibly from his vantage point.

Please… I-I was just.. I th-thought I’d… oh, I don’t know, she stammered shyly, crouching submissively for show, but she also served herself by becoming a smaller target. Sonje’s movements were always calculated as such, and though she appeared as delicate and innocent as she intended, it was all for the sake of disarming. She trusted no man, especially with a knife pointed at her, and she’d get out of the situation in the easiest way possible.


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