Walking these stone roads one more time
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Itzal listened as his stalker stammered and stuttered over her words, trying to explain what she was doing. Itzal sighed and rolled his eyes. "I didn't ask you to explain yourself, I asked you to show yourself. One step at a time please." He couldn't see the her entire form. His hand tightened on his knife but his wrist and arm remained loose and relaxed, ready to send the knife flying towards the spot. He could see her better now that she had moved some and now he sighed yet again. "Okay so now, take another step out, I promise not to throw the knife, and try and explain in slow words why you were following me." He smiled and gestured with the knife for her to step out more. He had no intention of hurting her yet, not until she gave him more of a reason.

Itzal wasn't pleased that he hadn't noticed he was being followed but he felt he had made up for that by getting the situation under his control. He was use to being in control of hostile situations, that way he could dictate whether there would be a fight or not. And usually if there was, he won. But right now, he didn't feel like fighting, so he was hoping to diffuse this meeting. But first he had to be sure she would go along with it, that she wouldn't try anything. Which was the only reason he had yet to put his knife away.

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Code by Kitty !

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