Making up

Meow:: WC:: 3+

The woman didn’t have a chance to see if Jiva had heard her warning or not as she took a deep breath and plummeted beneath the surface. Her ears filled up with the thundering sound of the rolling wave and suddenly she became part of it, swept up in the strong current and getting shoved into the curl of the breakers. She crashed above the surface but was unable to take in a breath as the wave continued to carrying her on, sucking her down and forcing her to barrel roll against the sandy bottom until the ocean spat her out on the shore. She lay still on the sand as her mind mentally check all her body parts, she was unscathed. Sitting up and pushing her twisted and tangled locks out of her eyes, she scanned the ocean and realized her mate was doing the same.

She raised her hand high to hail him and got up coughing up the seawater that had forced itself into her nose and mouth but laughing all the while. Her hair was a complete mess, styled by the ocean, as she walked towards her mate. I thought I was going to die! She said ecstatically, but obviously joking as her giggles mingled with a few harsh coughs continued. The ocean should not be underestimated, she lamented as her laughter died down and she cautiously approached the water once more. This time, I’ll stick close to you, she said softly, taking Jiva’s hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. He was more experienced with the big blue than she was, and though she was okay, what if the wave had sucked her back out into the sea? Swimming with a partner nearby seemed to be a better idea than facing any body of water alone.

Table Credit to Becca! <3.

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