Sentimental Sun
His tail wagged as the man accepted his words of apology. Ears did flatten back at the mention of bad things happening when drunk. The scarred male knew the dangers of alcohol all too well. Well, didn't matter now. It was in the past, and he had moved on. He did watch sympathetically as the man flushed, stammering out his words. Isa didn't tell everything to Hadley, even though they spoke about most things. This conversation had probably slipped by her.

Feeling a need to reassure him Hadley stepped closer, awkwardly moving to pat him on the back. It's okay. I am the father. Was just surprised. He smiled at Alistair, tail swaying behind him now. Nodding his head Hadley thought about it. Must be from your mother then. Isa has a last name. Suppose the children will take that on. Maybe he should pick a last name for himself. Many luperci had them.

Nodding his head Hadley moved on with his search, studying the ground. Spotting some mint he nodded his head. This plant here. Kneeling down he showed the form of the leaf. It's mint. Very good for nausea. Picking it he placed it in the bag, scanning to see if there was anymore nearby. Not seeing any he continued on his way, tail swaying behind him.

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