Deep, deadly reassurance

She'd probably take no nonsense, but not be cruel. She's just very firm. Also, lol Spartacus--Siv is being a creeper.

Desperation was what drove them, and above that, hunger. To live was to struggle, as Siv knew, and she saw this in the survivalist nature of their breed. The strong deserved to live, and to know what it was to be alive. Eat or be eaten, as it went. Only intelligence had changed that, and now came great new things for which the wolves could master. With cunning came people like Siv, who saw that they were gods as the men had once been gods and now masters not only of themselves but others. Before Salsola, she hadn’t known slavery—but she had controlled and dominated those around her with words and whispers and false promises.

So once again she came into this role, suited for it, and flourished. Her eyes watched the two of them but did not allow this to be obvious. The witch-woman dug into the folds of her cloak, to secret pouches and secret things that she carried. A leather bundle of sweet-smelling herbs was drawn, and she smiled as he described an alien place. Africa she knew because of the Egyptian. This wolf was not from that land. How peculiar.

“I am from a kingdom,” she answered gently, and looked into the frosty eyes of the golden man. He was magnificent. “You look like a fighter,” the woman went on, turning the red meat over in her hands. She rubbed the plants over this, thinking quickly as she did so. “Who rewarded you, for your fight?”


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