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274 Translation :Greetings, my name is Saqui Utina

Saqui found a hidden hoard of berries, and she was going to use them to her advantage. Berries were the young woman’s weakness and she couldn’t help but chew on them any time she saw them, sometimes getting sick because she ate so many, but she had more plans than just eating these grand prizes she found in a clearing close to the swamp, but not with too much of the thick watery stuff. She picked as many as she could, because who on earth could resist such beauties? She found the ripest she could and being the season for such things found many and knew that she would need many for her belly as well as planting. If she were to have a domestic bush she’d rather have one next to her home. She hummed happily letting the berries pop into her mouth and chew as she headed home.

Coming close to the village she caught sight of someone white and she nearly stopped to welcome her father when she remember.... her father didn’t live here, and he did not have the blue markings or blue eyes, this man had yellow and he was clearly shaped differently than her father, putting one more berry in her mouth she turned toward the man, she was a social butterfly and to see someone she had not met before... well... "Unalihelitseti, Ale ayv dagovgi Saqui Utina" she said automatically in the cherokee she knew from the great tribe. She knew both that language and English very fluently but most preferred to speak cherokee.

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