[M] Couldn't ask for more
Word Count :: 369 OOC: Shaw is a whore.... >.>

“Marahute bigger bird, she born wolf not nest parent.” He was aware that Niro had the egg when he was first caught and he was in a way furious, if he could he would have stolen it and eaten it to make sure the bird did not live. Then again at that time Tobias only knew the way of the bird. Tobias was sad inside to hear that the other did not remember her family. He knew his vaguely but he never had a mate so he had no one to go back to. They flew side by side, him beating his wings a few times, and purposefully catching a few updrafts, before he answered; “Boys Sire cage me, kept me. He only take me out for short time. It was prison, but he show me we make team. I seek he hunt we eat. He let go I follow boy.” He said and banked again and dived, he saw nothing of consequence but he loved the practice and it felt nice having the air between his fingers. He swooped back up and was sure she would follow him, but he flew on continuing a few acrobatic moves.

Jiva made a chuckle at her enforced growl, his lips in a wide grin, he let out a soft happy groan as she let her claws move along his chest and her tongue where the tingling of her claws had been was sensational to him. He then made a sudden move where he fell back and pulled her up on top of him, a happy, wide grin on his face, making sure she didn’t fall too hard herself, using himself as a cushion; and he leaned back along the tree he had been sitting against, the duck long forgotten close by, all he wanted right now was his mate. That was the only thing he hungered for. He moved his hands up along her belly, watching as her fur fell back into place and continued until he found her breasts and took them into his hands and as he did so moved up so that he could kiss her as he massaged at them.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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