M - What Kind of Man am I?

Out of character

Word Count → 000

It appeared she was taking in his words, she was surprised. He gave a light snort as a crooked smile came over him. A cocky attitude of 'see, now lets see who shuts up'. He relaxed as she formulated a reply, and when she did he grinned. "Well, little charming assholes, huh? We might wanna be careful, and teach them how not to swoon so many women...or if they're girls so many men.." It was just then that he thought of if he had girls. His ears shot forward and a look of 'oh...shit' came to him, "Well...lets just think of one thing at a time...and right now that thing is you..." He gave his charming grin and came close to her, taking his blunt and putting it out against his leather belt, then put it a small pouch. His oceanic eyes never leaving her's as he did all that. He obviously was very aware of his body, and what was where. "You're very welcome, sweetie.."

Her lips found his and he rose some on his knees, both hands coming to the sides of her head holding her as he moan deeply from the feeling of their contact. It was like a wave washed over him and he was consumed by her. He didn't want to part from her warm and welcoming touch, but he didn't stop her from moving in the slightest. His eyes opened immediately finding hers. Aro's breath was taken with her kiss, and she spoke about something he had already let go. With large charming grin he spoke, his voice husky, "..what troubles?" He asked letting his eyes search hers for just a second before he closed the gap between them, his arms falling to her sides and slid down grabbing her rear roughly pushing her against him. Before he could see her reaction he planted his lips back against hers. A low possessive growl escaped him against his will. His muzzle parted trying to part hers some as his tongue slid out in hopes of finding and caressing hers. She was his and he'd show her how much he loved her. He wasn't a man to say a lot of 'i love yous' if he did at all. He was one for actions, and actions spoke much louder than words.

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