I have to tell you something
She nodded quickly as Skoll spoke, repeating parts of what he said back to herself in a quiet voice. "Target priority, face and neck, not shoulders, puts you in their range," she said, repeating them to herself as he made a few quick motions. She nodded again as he finished, frowning as she tried to imagine the scenarios in her mind. She exhaled slowly, then glanced back at Skoll, ready for the next attack. He readied himself, then lunged at her.

Tayui turned slightly, moving so she would be out of his direct range. She ducked around, moving her head in a semi circle and allowing her body to follow. As he neared, she pushed off, twisting around, this time aiming to strike at his neck rather than his shoulders. If this were a real fight, the timing would be difficult, for she did not want to rely on brute strength, but instead use what her opponent had. Skoll had a heavier mass and was more experienced, so she hoped that if she could move around him, evade his teeth and counterattack. Theoretically, there should be some way to use his own weight against him, but it would require a great deal of training. For now, she just wanted to train herself to strike at the vital parts, attack the neck and the face, not the shoulders.


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