when finding your place is harder than it looks
“Nice to meet you, Apollo,” he said with a soft smile. The surname ‘Haddon’ didn’t ring any bells with him. He didn’t recall meeting any wolves around the house with the name, but then again, Ehno hadn’t met most of his new pack mates face to face just yet. As it was, he was still getting familiar with the house and the lands. He figured he’d get fully settled here soon. There was no hurry to adjust.

He nodded at the pup’s question. “Yeah, I managed to hitch a ride on a ship with a bunch of Spanish sailors. Ended up getting left behind, but I don’t think they did that intentionally.” It had definitely been an interesting experience. The language barrier made things a bit difficult, but he had gotten used to it after a while. Italian and Spanish, with all their similarities, were still rather different languages. Despite this, Ehno still enjoyed the time he had spent on the ship. He shrugged and said, “It all worked out for the better, though.”

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