Two for one

Sorry for making you wait and pardon the novel, I wasn’t sure how to make Buddy come about, but this works. ;P (His presence is what makes Heiro so enarmored, but eventually he won’t need Buddy’s help when it comes to Kel) :: 1000+

More headaches plagued the hybrid child. It was becoming clear that they weren’t simply growing pains, they were a regular nuisance. Hei was on an herbal regime of teas that were supposed to keep the migraines at bay, but nothing seemed to work. No matter, he was too excited to have shifted already to even whine about them. His night times were hard, but in the mornings, it was as if the entire ordeal had been imagined when he’d bound off to adventure on his own. Now that he could walk on two legs, his independence had grown tremendously and he was becoming a more familiar face around the kingdom. Making friends, getting in and out of trouble, and helping out where he could. All seemed normal on the surface, but peel back a layer and there was much to be found.

Heiro had been making a lot of progress lately with his word pronunciation and he was becoming more accustomed to his Optime form. Now and then it was fun to walk on all fours, especially when he was around his sister who couldn’t shift yet, but most of his free time was spent on two legs. The frustrations of not being able to talk like an adult were what truly bothered the youth. Tasha could speak just fine, so why couldn’t he? It was those damn “th” words that tripped him up every time. Even the L’s were hard to pronounce, but the Catori was determined to get it right by the end of summer. He hated how the adults would cock their heads in endearment and laugh at his follies. He wanted to be one one of them! Not cute and kiddish anymore, he was ready to have responsibility and step up as the man in the family while his father healed from the attack.

All these troubled thoughts swirled about in his head as he traipsed over the Cour des Miracles boundary line and continued into the dark Ethereal woodlands. He wasn’t walking anywhere in particular, just kind of chatting to himself and musing over ways he could improve his speech when he tripped over a rock jutting out behind a few ferns. Tumbling forward, the black and white Prince cried out in shock mixed with anger. What the hell! It was a curse he heard the adults say when they were surprised or dismayed, all the other ones he had heard were far too embarrassing to utter without fearing a mouthful of soap. He landed in a heap, clutching his hands to his snout where a branch had snagged his muzzle. A trickle of blood seeped through the pristine white fur on his maw and invaded his mouth. Bleck! He blanched, dashing his tongue out in attempt to dispel the taste of his own blood. Too late for that, his autonomic response washed over him like a creepy spider web. Down the puppy stayed as his world faded to black.

Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey! He must have been out cold for solid 10 minutes when the cheerful voice cut into his head. The child slowly opened his eyes before fully startling awake and scrambling away from the swimming green orbs. Who-who are you? Heiro asked timidly as he slowly got to his feet. His hands moved over the sticky river of blood that ran from the bridge of his nose and arched downward towards the corner of his mouth. I’m Buddy! The white creature jovially replied. Heiro blinked and rubbed at his eyes, reopening them on a white wolf pup. Are you a ghost? Hei asked, convinced this Buddy did not have a real form at first. The strange puppy burst into a fit of giggles rolling on the ground but not picking up any debris in his too clean coat. No silly! How could I be a ghost? It retorted, quickly rolling back to all fours and moving much too fast to Heiro’s side. I’m Buddy, remember? You made me...and now I’m here, he replied matter of factly. A look of confusion furrowed the black and white child’s brow, but Buddy quickly continued. It’s okay, you’ll understand in time. I’m a friend, I promise. Think of me like a guardian angel....or a spirit if you will. The confusion on Heiro’s face dropped away and was replaced with recognition. He knew all about spirits!

The two became quick friends, walking side by side two legged and four legged through the woods. Heiro peppered Buddy with many questions. What was it like to be a spirit? How did it feel? Did he belong to anyone? Which of course Buddy said he belonged to Hei. This pleased the little Prince and he told his new friend he couldn’t wait to tell his father that he could see, touch, and talk to his own spirit. Buddy immediately squelched that idea, claiming he’d fade away if his presence was made known, his existence must be kept a secret at all costs. If Heiro had taken a moment to process everything, he would’ve realized Ro had said the same thing about himself. At least about keeping him a secret. About to ask his green eyed friend another question, Heiro walked past a tree that had been hit by lightning some time ago when his sliced nose picked up a scent. I tink I smell someone Buddy. Kyit. He shushed his friend and crept forward where the smells of water and someone else grew strong. And then his sapphire eyes fell upon the most beautiful canine he’d ever seen. Wow...Buddy whispered into his black backed ears. You go say “hi”, I’ll wait here, the white wolf said, though Heiro needed no further convincing. His alabaster feet carried him to the water’s edge a few yards away from the girl. Um...hello, he called out softly when the metallic scent of blood entered his nares. His friendly face filled with concern, it wasn’t his blood he was smelling. Are you hurt Miss? He asked, secretly wishing he hadn’t shifted in the morning so he could join this stranger on four legs rather than two.

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