Family Bonds

Word Count: 4+

Clearing his mind seemed to be all he was worrying about now a days. He was once again out and venturing and this was a pleasant surprise for Shadow thought he would never leave New Dawn again. He had been talked out of the worst of it, he no longer had the drive to end his life but he did take his nail and cut himself a little as a reminder of his weakness. He was selfish for thinking that death would help him, when it would only case all those who loved him to continue to feel his pain. He had other reasons for wanting to venture out, the biggest reason being that there were so many couples around him and in love that it was starting to wear on him and hurt him more to see it every day so this hike was greatly needed and wanted by the black brute. Shadow kept moving and walked the paths that he use to take, a part of him hoped to see Amy but he knew that meeting her wouldn't help anything and then as he moved he stopped and his ears twitched lightly as hunt mode kicked in

He smelled and picked up the scent of the pack he was near and he knew to go no further and judging from the smell he was near CDM. He slowly moved on two legs towards where he thought would be a good enough area as any to call for a long lost sister of his. He hoped she was near by and that she would be the one to welcome him and not someone else because that might not look so good, some random wolf looking to a girl named Terra. If it was her then he would be happy, something he needed to feel again."Terra....I wonder if you will remember me....." Shadow had only his sword on him now and didn't bother with the cloak for it had a scent on it that made him remember and he didn't want to. Plus it seemed like there was rain here and there and he loved it coming down and washing away his pain.

Shadow lifted his head and gave a howl towards the pack lands of CDM and he waited for an answer as he didn't come any closer he just waited and listened for anything and everything that might, and would happen. His mind raced as he picked up multiple other scents and he thought about when he last saw his sister...she was with that one guy...what was his name, oh yeah Kit. He shook his head and continued to wait for who ever would come.

"Someone's Big brother wants to say hi..."He smiled lightly to himself as he lowered his tail and did everything to keep from looking to monstrous.


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