you told us you weren't afraid to die
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_____She was young, there was no doubt about it. Old enough to fend for herself and be away from her parents, but young enough that she still had a lot to learn about the world. Her sass didn't merit any change in Corona's expression, though inwardly she pondered how old Talitha was. It was hard to figure how long she had been gone, because it hadn't felt like that long. It felt like she had been gone a week or two, when it had been months. Her brother had taken a mate, he had children, and those children had grown up some. A fire had turned up and they had all been forced to move, and then the war broke out.

_____And she had returned on the heels of its end, it seemed. “Are you hungry?” Had they been giving her food? Corona didn't see why they wouldn't, judging by the fact that she still had strength left to stand. The sky let loose another low rumble of thunder, and the trees overhead swayed with the gust of wind that seemed to follow. It wouldn't have been long now before the rain started to fall, but it wouldn't deter Corona that much from playing her own little game of investigation. Gabriel hadn't told her to stay away from the shed, anyway.


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