A cool breeze, a hot heart
Aeron had to admit that she really did want to kill something else. Though she knew something told her that she should look before she lept. There was more then just her life on the line she was one of three leaders and she had to act as such. Though she had to admit playing with her own kind pulled at her and made her want to have a little bit of fun. Once she had only sought for women but Io had shown her the need for men.

She smiled as she leaned against the tree. She heard the man shift and she stood there engulfed in her dark cloak. She laughed lightly out load as he spoke. ah ah ah you'll get more flies with honey then vinegar She teased golden eyes cast to the sky. Who did he think he was she just didn't show herself for anyone besides this was a lot more fun.

She moved lightly to another tree. She wasn't trying to be all to sneaky but more like playing games with him. She had no weapons out but she was the bringer of death or had been once. She smiled standing still once again waiting to see what he was going to do.

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