My mouth is dry with words I can't verbalize
What a whore ! LOL [WC: 331 | Pts: 0]

The man seemed to take her fall way too seriously; he whipped her back to her feet, in which made her stumble a bit. He was angry, and she stepped back, offended. Her head bowed and her eyes looked up at him – he still had her hand, which the opened distance made their arms stretch a bit. His seriousness made her angry! Why did he have to be so serious? ”Well, I’m sorry Aro. I’m not your obedient deer.” She spat back at him, clearly offended from being yelled at.

She shut up after that and got back into her stance. Watch him throw another move like that – she won’t be so naïve next time. But then she realized, he still had her hand. She looked down at their hands as well and back up to his blue eyes, like the ocean. It was a magical moment that she didn’t want to let go – no matter how pissed off she was at him. Perfect chance. She moved into him, letting go of his hand and throwing her arms around his neck, but before she kissed him- she stopped herself. She couldn’t mess this up by throwing herself at him. She stopped and looked at him awkwardly, but stayed in his arms. She was having a moment, so what?

She kind of had to crane her neck a bit so that their muzzles weren’t touching. That’s not what she wanted to do. She felt a connection with this wolf, but not just to have fun with. She sensed they could become something pretty serious if given the chance. Being in his arms just felt magical – and she couldn’t imagine what sex would be like with him. She couldn’t imagine what sex would be like with anybody that wasn’t family. A small smile creased her lips as she was trapped in the moment. Her arms never left his neck, and the moment seemed to last for minutes – even though it was only a few seconds.

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