holding on to let go
DaVinci nodded quietly to the words that the youth had said, in a soft casual voice he asked, "Why? Is there something better out there?" He knew that at one time he'd thought that there was something better out there than his pack, yet it had taken him far and wide and now he'd returned only to find that after witnessing what was left in the ashes cross way he missed what he'd taken for granted. He wouldn't really admit the whole of it, but something inside him wondered and wanted to know that those who'd once watched over him were safe and well.

He lifting up a pad as he casually examined his nails, the words of the boy flowing over his ears as he smiled. "I thought no one would miss me once.." he said, "Boy was I surprised." He grinned down at the snowy hued pack member as he dropped his paw down and examined the claws on the other foot for a moment before he paused and thought about the question the boy had presented him with. Dropping his paw back down he shrugged, "I don't know, do I have to have a place picked out yet?" He smirked suddenly, "It's not like anyone would want something like me hanging about anyways.." he said casually. He'd been so use to the split view on what he was that coming back here he'd expected everyone to turn away.

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