ghosts of tomorrow
He grinned at her as she called back at him on the comment on her age. A smirk spread across his lips as he shook his head and tried to duck away from the knock on his shoulder. "You're a lot older than me.." he joked as he skittered around her on his long limbs. "Mom didn't forget me, she doesn't even know I'm back yet.." he admitted as he stared off towards the lands he knew she was living within. He hated to believe that even now he still hadn't exactly forgiven his mother for the past.

He stopped his pattering and preening aobut like an overexcited child when she commented on his looks. Tossing his bangs from his eyes he made a sound of disagreement, "You'd think that.. I still look like a coyote." In his eyes he'd never be large enough, he'd never weigh enough, he'd never look right in half the eyes of those he met. Turning his eyes towards the territory that spread before them he sighed softly and nodded. "I guess.. who all's around.." he asked slightly nervous, hoping that a whole slew of memories from his past weren't about to come thundering through the lands.

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