you told us you weren't afraid to die
The yearling watched the eye watch her quietly. Wondering who or what the eye belonged to and why they were still there. Normally the clan members came and disappeared just to ensure she was still in there. She'd grown use to the tauntings and the pathedic comments that were thrown her way, atleast now she knew how her brother must feel being in the public eye for being a halfblood and not hating either party for the hand life had dealt him. She finally gave in and closed her eyes again, the thunder rolling overhead reminding her of the brewing storm.

The lady asked her if she was hungry and Firefly just flicked an ear but was silent a moment longer, thinking of another storm she'd spoken to a fellow packmember about recently. Now the storm was upon them and she wandered just what Alexey thought about this storm they were in the mists of. Opening her eyes back up she said softly. "Yeah.." then after a moment of nothing but the wind and thunder she asked. "That was an actual question right?" She really didn't feel like being taunted right now, she was already alone in the middle of a clan that hated her for her deeds and involvement in a war that had been waging long before she was born.

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