Searching for Hospitality

After a few moments, the female voice broke through his verbal taboo, and told him to stay still. Relief ran through him, as his continuous falling was deeply annoying him. His feet came to a stop, and his deep, thick breathing took hold. The stinging of his eyes began again, and he scratched at them in frustration and as a reward for his annoyance, he made contact with his scar and made it bleed. He held back a curse as he realise company was close by, and took out a cloth from his pocket and placed it over his bleeding eyelid.
He chuckled, If I couldn't look any weaker he thought to himself. As he her the wolf come closer, he made a last attempt to open his eyes, and was able to squint for a few seconds before closing due to the sting. The powder was starting to slowly ware off, but it would take at least a day before he could proper see without pain, unless he was able to wash them out with water.
He listened as the female spoke, she sounded gentle with her words, which was relief, at least she sounded like she wouldn't do any harm. "Help would be wonderful," Eric said politely, "Otherwise I might be wondering around for days." He gestured towards his eyes, "Got thrown chilli powder in my eyes won't stop stinging for at least a day." He paused for a moment to think, "You wouldn't happen to have some clean water to spare, I promise to repay you in some way, depend on what you ask."
Eric thought over his last sentence, it was true. As far as he was concerned, there probably wouldn't be anything else holding him up from repaying this wolf's help.

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