Thank you, and good bye.
She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise up as he spoke. She knew that something was wrong but hearing the words made her turn her face away from those eyes that watched her as he began to speak again. The same flat words seemed to fill the air around them as she tried to stop the emotions from sinking in. She'd already had wave upon wave of pain hit her and now once more it seemed she'd be granted another wash of pains over her soul. She closed her eyes and tried to push away from the conversation, not wanting to listen but still hearing every word he said.

She was silent a moment while the waves crashed around them before she spoke up softly, the hurt in her voice as she said. "You're lying.." She wasn't challeging him leaving, but the way he spoke, how null and void his words were. She'd never before heard someone speak with such lack of emotion, even when she'd witnessed others going there had been some sort of regret, some distant emotion, but nothing. The total lack of emotions had upset her, she wondered just what was causing her friend to run so suddenly from the life he'd seemed so happy in.

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