M - What Kind of Man am I?

Word Count ? 310 :: Think this thread is coming to a close, looks like she might fall asleep. Tongue

The obsidian knight seemed worried about her, though he shouldn't be. She almost started to look around taken to another galaxy for a moment when the climax hit her. This was solely Aro's fault, those other orgasms had lead her to one super one and it was a grand experience, one she'd expect to have again. Sidra nodded and smiled. Uh, yeah. That was just intense...the best I've ever had actually. Her smile widened as she looked up at him. What an amazing man he was. She couldn't believe she was saying that. She wasn't supposed to give her heart to a man, ever, believing they were all vile creatures...well, most of them anyways. He was one of the rare few, a diamond in the rough so to speak.

Sidra saw the blood where she'd been grabbing. Damn, she hadn't known she was grabbing him that hard. The pricks weren't bad, but she'd caused them while she was in her wonderland. He let her relax and her legs dropped to either side of him, knees bended. She let out a long happy sigh and chuckled after his response. I wasn't aware either, but damn. I guess we both kind of slipped away during that...it was...amazing. Sidra was being a lot softer than she normally was, flying on cloud nine after all they'd just done. Her body finally loosened up and she sighed again bringing her arms above her head to stretch after all the tensing. Aro removed himself and she tensed for just a moment, her entire feminine area still extremely sensitive. She gave a small grunt and then let her body relax fully. She smiled sweetly at him, happy he appeared satisfied as well. Though, she was sad she didn't get to show him what she was capable of. But, he wasn't going to escape so easy. She would take him off guard and sexually assault him. He wouldn't see it coming and it couldn't be today because he obviously had reached his limits. Oh well.

The leopard woman just lay there and breathed still calming down and still warm from their passion while Aro composed himself. I suppose so. She'd won the war part though she'd rather not think about the problems from earlier. You didn't give me a chance to show you my skills. I would blow you away and next time you'll be the quivering mess. Got it? She said, almost commanding that he agree but will a smile on her face as she held his head in her hands and he came closer. I won't let you escape me. He came to lay by her and she lazily rolled over taking the same position. She was high off of him right now, she didn't want to be anywhere else but here with him. Her smile never faded, sweet and thoughtful.

In response to those three terrifying words, his hand came to her face and her eyes fluttered close, leaning into his touch almost like a cat would do. His touch was so gentle and after their rough and satisfying love making it was she needed. Something simple and time to recover and be with the man. When he said the words back, it seemed to take the fear away and she was lifted once again. She really didn't know what to say next and just smiled. Sidra scooted closer and buried her head into his chest pressing herself up against him until she was comfortable. She was sleepy now, it'd be the perfect time for a nap.

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