You'll be safe with me
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Just beyond the borderline the scent of the pack seemed to extend, undoubtedly carried by another awake during this late hour. But who, she could not place without further investigation, yet priority kept her sense focused on the unfamiliar scent wafted by the wind.

Her strides became longer then to take more ground, muscled limbs working seamlessly to bring her closer to what could have been danger. There was another of her Family along the base of the mountain, perhaps ignorant of what lurked within the shadows. A sound of alarm would only bring attention to herself and inevitably to her brethren if they had yet to be discovered. She could not risk bringing harm to them, but by the growing sounds it had found her already.

Too used to the meek whimpers and cries, immediately the she-wolf knew whom had found danger. Tossing her head back to whip the lengthy bangs from her eyes to better see, she charged into the shrubbery where the helpless sounds were emanating. And in her ears were the panicked footfalls of another approaching. X’yrin stopped suddenly with the shifting shrub within sight, her lips peeled back and trembling as she growled her warning. “STOP!”

Surely she had not heard this assailant right. This close to the Family’s borders and she was calling for her mother? At least, it was assumed that’s who was called for. The words were terribly muddled and uttered in haste, it was difficult to tell. Regardless it had to be a mistake. The protective Issor crept closer to the bush keeping it within sight as her ears were turned toward the unknown. Female as far as she could tell by scent alone, but she would not turn to affirm her assumption until she was standing before the hiding place of her friend and family member. Her amber eyes gleamed vibrantly in the darkness as they honed on the large unknown female. With Sira secured within her perimeter the she-wolf lessened her posture of warning to one of caution, silencing her growls to heavy breathes as the adrenaline gradually seeped from her veins.

“You called for your mother…” her voice was soft in contrast to her booming growls, but audible to the acute ear just the same. “…unless I am mistaken. Tell me, stranger. Who are you…and why do you tread so close to our borders? Why have you frightened my family?”

403 words.

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