Sharp Tempers

Wandering had become his new favourite past time. During his travels only recently committed, he'd met a few lovely people, found a place to live, and gained knowledge about the new land in which he now resided.

He was informed by one of his first acquaintances that it was potentially quite dangerous to trespass into pack territory, so Harvey Butler made sure to keep his senses aware of any borders.

He didn't really fear the outcome as much as he simply wanted to avoid it, not only for the sake of being safe, but to be respectful and polite as well. He may be an individual with a negative past lifestyle, but the whole reason for coming to Nova Scotia was to clean his slate, and start life in a new way.

Besides, he'd never really been one to disrespect those who had no connection to him. It simply wasn't any of his business to do so, and frankly he didn't care to cause trouble.

The red merle knew soon he was coming close to the land of a pack, and made a note to stay clear. Harv would dwell near the border, perhaps, for he knew he'd seemed to meet more people right outside or just inside their pack lands, than loners, and he was really a social sort of luperci.

He missed company, and loved attention. So, he saw no harm in exploring.

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