a little inept
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ooc: XD Just had the greatest Poke' moment ever!

For the most part, her acting role as mentor on this hunt was complete. All that remained was the kill and the feast which of course would go to the molten she-wolf. X’yrin’s own hunt would have to be delayed for just a little while longer, she noted indifferently. Luckily there were several dried meat caches around the territory to choose from. Though she could not ignore the desire for the warm, sweet taste of fresh meat. But her deprived appetite would have to continue to go without for now.

Patiently she waited for her companion to shimmy her way into the small den and find the prize, all the while surveying the area around them. Another risk of the hunt was always competition with other predators, or worse; becoming prey herself to something with formidable claws and a terrible attitude. From an early age she had learned to never let her guard down during the hunt, and the scar on her shoulder was an unkind reminder of the dangers that could spring when the mind strayed elsewhere. So with one ear on the den and another vigilantly surveying the hunting ground, she waited patiently for the outcome.

A terrified screech honed both ears on the den and the commotion inside got her heart racing. Success! She had called, but prematurely as their prey suddenly shot out of the den albeit slowly with injury. A sudden dart on its scampering position and the frightened creature was captured beneath two heavy paws, held still by the sheer force pressing down on its back and leg. It began to gasp for air amidst its shrieking but did not live long to suffer a slow end. A swift descent of her teeth around its head and it was quiet with a snap of her jaws. Quick, effortless, and rewarding, this hunt. And as reward, the she-wolf stepped away from the prize and allowed the petite hunter to claim it.


326 words.

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