Walking these stone roads one more time

Just what the two of them need, sharp pointy things to play with together. XD

"Good thing indeed. And thank you. Though if you honestly do want to kill me, you might want to rethink that." He smiled, winking at her as he laughed. "But trust me, if I ever intended to kill you, you would know. If I want someone dead on a personal level, I usually like to drag it out and make them suffer. If it is just business or survival, well, I'll at least give you a fighting chance before killing you quickly. I mean, if I actually think you are worth giving a chance. Which I think you are." He laughed as he spoke, grinning. His uncle's pack members hadn't been worth a chance. He had slit their throats and ripped out their hearts before most of them knew what was happening. They weren't ready for Itzal. Or more specifically Eztli and Itzal working together. And their uncle, oh it had been so personal they had dragged it out. After their little fight, where Itzal got the scar that now went from his left shoulder to his neck, Itzal had drawn out killing him. Itzal had made him break, and break, and break some more before he finally ended his life. It had been some of Itzal and Eztli's finest work together.

"It might prove worth while. I'm sure there could have been something of value in there that was sustained. I would have no way of telling the value of any of that stuff other than what I was looking for. He said with a nod towards the store. For all he knew there was some kind of priceless human jewel in there. He wouldn't have been able to tell if there was.

As they approached the weapon store Itzal smirked as she bowed for him to go first. He walked in first and glanced back at her "Thanks" was all he said as he walked in an looked around. All expression faded from his face as he looked around, remembering the last time he was here. He walked up to a walk and ran a hand over it, finding the place where a crossbow bolt had missed his head just barely when Axelle had decided to 'test' her new weapon. He sighed, missing his old friend. But he remembered he had someone with him and quickly turned, a smile back on his face as she mentioned no funny business. He couldn't help faking a shiver as she licked her lips "Why am I wondering if you mean more than just the violent kind of funny business?" He asked with a sly smile as looked among the weapons.

Itzal had already walked over to the knife and dagger section of the shop. He had gotten two weapons here before. The sultans knife that now hung by his hip on one of his jean's belt loops and a katana that he had stashed somewhere a while ago before leaving Nova Scota the second time. Itzal was standing there looking at the different knives when Sonje walked up and bent down to pick up the dagger. He looked at the satisfaction on her face as she handed it to him. He felt the weight of the dagger and nodded, holding it in a reverse grip as he slashed the air with it. He approved that it was a good weapon and thought for a second. "Viper. Or Fang if you want to name it after a characteristic." He handed the dagger back to her and smiled as he reached into his pouch and felt his own beloved dagger. Lately he had been working on using the dagger and Sultan knife together, but he wasn't as proficient at it as he was using one or the other by itself.

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