woke up to a brand new skyline
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... sts/t4.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He ran through the options and, as he spoke, she felt… nothing. Absolutely nothing. Her mind didn’t catch interest at the sound of any of the food, if not getting a little more averted to the idea of eating. She frowned, realizing that it was, of course, her decision to figure out what they would have to hunt down for breakfast. Nikita wasn’t really the biggest fan of decisions (even those given to her by those trying to be polite). So, in the end, she merely shrugged and peered around the camp as it began to take more definite form in the brightening light. “Uhh, I dunno. Can’t say I’m really choosey. Whatever’s lying around, I guess.” And, right upon saying that, she spotted a stack of crates that they had carried out from the city. Lying in one of the smaller ones near the top of the stack was a bunch of apples, probably picked from some trees somewhere just a few days prior. To prove her spoken point, she grabbed one and took a quick bite of it. And then she started to absent-mindedly walk around the camp, looking for whatever else might actually catch her interest.


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