Fading but holding on
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible

Word Count → 251

The injured woman spoke, addressing him like he was a puppy again, her son, her sun chaser. He only pressed his ears flat and whimpered in response, nuzzling her again. He was so scared that she’d already be slipping away, or that she’d be different after dropping so close to death. It didn’t matter if she was out of the danger zone; he was still anxious and waiting fearfully for some sign that she wasn’t okay. He knew that Niro would never walk well again, or be able to run and hunt, and he didn’t want that to happen to his mother, too. He’d never really thought about it, but she’d taught him so much.

Skoll smiled a little at her teasing, her tongue flicking his muzzle in a reassuring kiss. “You’re tough, Mama,” he agreed. While his strength and drive belonged to the king that was his father, his determination and sheer willpower to fight came from her.

He shook his head at her question, wincing slightly as she sat up. He knew it would be pointless to tell her to lie back down, so he only shrugged his shoulders and lowered his head. “It’s not—” He tried to find words to describe what he’d been doing lately, but he was ashamed. “I haven’t really been a good son lately,” he managed, his voice thick with suppressed tears. “No adventures, and no helping others like I should, which is why I was so scared and I came so fast…”

table by raze; template from the mentors

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