Walking these stone roads one more time
Lol, can you imagine how bored they would be in a figurine store? Itzal would be like "Where is the stuff I can kill people with?" XD

Itzal was never one to turn down a fight but he wouldn't mind if a fight for once didn't end with a dead body. And he figured if he fought with Sonje, she would stop before he was forced to kill her. But he had no intention of fighting her at the moment. Sure, the underlying suggestion was there for both of them, but so far neither one of them had yet to push the suggestion to far. Of course the two of them going to a weapon shop didn't really help them move away from the thought of fighting but that was just the way both of their minds worked.

Itzal smirked and licked his lips playfully when she mentioned that violence was what she was always speaking of. "Looks like you are my kind of girl already." He said, his smirk growing larger as he walked past the female with a chuckle, grabbing his sultan's knife off of his belt and going over to the spot where he had first picked it up. He rather liked this blade and was thankful he had found one here. It had saved his life once or twice before, so he was probably more than lucky he had found it. He was down right grateful. He would love to find another and that was what he had set out to do. He looked through the rows of knives and saw many he liked but wouldn't be able to carry at the moment. So they were a waste of time. He looked through the rubble near the center of the room and swore when he came up empty handed again. He had just about given up hope when he saw something tucked in the corner against the wall and the leg of one of the display racks. He reached down and pried the knife out, grinning happily as he found what he was looking for. He slid the knife over his fingers, and grabbed his other one, sliding it over is other hand so both knives' handles were wrapped in his fist, the blades facing outwards so he punch and slash with his fist close or open. He grinned, doing some quick hand work on one of the beams as both hands used each knife to put numerous slashes in the beam. He laughed when he finally stopped and hooked both knifes on his belt. Now that he had a dual set, he could learn to use both knives together. Not that they would replace his dagger as his favorite weapon. But at least it would give him something to learn and mix it up a little with.

Itzal had handed her back the dagger and before too long she had already picked up another weapon. He grinned, laughing to himself, "You just can't get enough with the weapons can you? I'm starting to think you are a girl made after my own heart." He was joking of course. But that didn't mean he didn't value a woman with a good eye for weaponry. "Viper and Mamba, interesting. And I use to have a Katana, but I stashed it somewhere a while ago before I left Nova Scotia. I haven't used it very much. Maybe I'll stop by and pick it up sometimes, if it is even still there. But no, I wouldn't say I'm any good with them. I prefer knives and daggers. Or my teeth and claws. Either way." He shrugged, looking over the cutlass with mild interest. He smirked and looked at her "But I must say, I pictured you as more of a scimitar girl. Though now that I see you with that cutlass, I do believe it fits you much better.

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